Gadsden State welcomes transient students! Transient students are those who desire to enroll at Gadsden State to take academic courses but fully intend to return to their previous home college or university to complete their studies. It’s a great opportunity to take online, hybrid or traditional academic courses at a more affordable rate!
Steps for Application:
Apply for Admission by submitting an online application and selecting Transient as the student type.
Submit a transient letter form the home college or university. The letter must be term specific and list the courses approved by the student’s home institution for transfer.
Once the transient letter has been processed, the student will receive an email notification and be ready to register for classes.
Steps to Register:
Go to OneACCS account to register and pay for courses.
- It is the responsibility of the student to register for classes.
- Be sure payment is made prior to the payment deadlines or the course will be dropped from the student’s schedule.
- NOTE: Transient students are not eligible for federal student aid at Gadsden State as they are not seeking a degree at the College.
Questions? Contact
Canvas Information
Canvas is the learning management system used at Gadsden State to facilitate online classes and supplement all courses. All students use Canvas no matter what the class format (online, hybrid and traditional).
To access Canvas, go to myGadsdenState
The log-on will be the A-number provided by the College and ( as well as a password. Account information will be sent via email to address provided by the student.
Students will use the same username and password for student email and WiFi access.
It may take 24 hours for first-semester students to be able to access Canvas.
Courses will not appear in Canvas until the first official day of class for full semester courses and mini term courses.
After dropping a course, it will be removed for the Canvas account. Courses added prior to the Drop/Add deadline may take several hours to appear.
Students who have issues with Canvas should submit a Help Desk ticket here.
- What is the difference between a transient student and a transfer student?
A transient student takes courses at Gadsden State while also being a student at another college or university. Transient courses must be approved by the student’s home institution. Transient course grades will be transferred to the home institution. A transfer student has attended another college or university but wishes to continue their education at Gadsden State.
- Do returning transient students need to reapply?
Not if they have taken a Gadsden State course as a transient student within the calendar year, but they must submit a new transient letter each term.
- When do transient students need to apply to Gadsden State?
Gadsden State enrollment specialists advise transient students to apply as soon as possible so the student can register for courses before they are full. More details on registration deadlines may be found in the college calendar.
- How do students know what courses are available at Gadsden State?
Please refer to the course schedule.
- How do transient students get a Transient Approval Letter?
The home university and college will provide the letter to the student. Letters typically can be obtained from an advisor or the college’s registrar’s office.
- How do students access myGadsdenState?
Students will receive an email with access information.
- When will the courses appear in Blackboard?
Courses will appear on the first day of class.
- How do students know the course delivery format (online, hybrid or traditional)?
The course schedule notes the delivery format in the TYPE column.
- How do students get the grades sent back to their home institution?
Students must make a transcript request during the term they are attending Gadsden State and choose “hold for end of term.” Once the course(s) is completed, an official transcript will be sent to the student’s home institution.
- Who should transient students contact if they have questions or issues during the application process?
Students may reach out to an enrollment specialist at
There are many academic courses available to transient students. Here is a list of the most popular options for those wanting course credit to transfer back to their home college or university:
- ART 100 - Art Appreciation
- BIO 103 - Principals of Biology I
- BIO 104 - Principals of Biology II
- BUS 271 - Business Statistics I
- BUS 272 - Business Statistics II
- CHM 104 - Introduction to Chemistry
- CHM 111 - College Chemistry I
- CHM 112 - College Chemistry II
- ENG 251 - American Literature I
- ENG 252 - American Literature II
- ENG 261 - English Literature I
- ENG 262 - English Literature II
- ECO 231 - Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECO 232 - Principles of Microeconomics
- HIS 101 - Western Civilization I
- HIS 102 - Western Civilization II
- HIS 201 - United States History I
- HIS 202 - United States History II
- MTH 112 - Precalculus Algebra
- MTH 113 - Precalculus Trigonometry
- MTH 125 - Calculus I
- MUS 101 - Music Appreciation
- PHY 213 - General Physics I- Calculus Based
- PHY 214 - General Physics II- Calculus Based
- PSY 200 - General Psychology
- SPH 106 - Fundamentals of Oral Communication
- SOC 200 - Introduction to Sociology
Gadsden State Community College’s policy is that no person shall be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, marital status, disability, sex, age or any other protected class as defined by federal and state law.